Knee Slider Home Construction

Elbow pad for in-line skating. Cut off top flap. Save velcro straps for bottom section.
elbow.jpg (89166 bytes)
Cut off elbow pad "bump" with hacksaw to make flat surface to accommodate/glue on Teflon toe slider. Cut off most of stretch fabric (leave 1/4") from toe slider and prepare to glue onto elbow pad base.
Glue on toe slider with lots of contact cement.
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Recoat with glue about edges 2-3 times until slider is secure to elbow base.
Newly designed slider with BLACK Teflon slider cap --1/4inch thick. This slider is almost invisible on black curling pants/leotards. Price delivered: Canadian$50.00//U.S.$35.00. Send check to: John Rollins, box101, Nampa, Alberta, Canada, T0H 2R0
Front view of slider on curler's knee.

Note BLACK slider in left column. Slide wall to wall with ease.
Back of knee.
2 straps added from top flap. Total 3 Velcro straps .One at top. One x-cross and one wide (2") at/middle bottom.